Notes for QuantConnect
Driven by job requirements, QuantConnect will be a handy platform for me to write qualitative trading algorithms. After around one week of experimenting, i would like to weigh the pros and cons that i discovered for now. Maybe i will reconsider these terms in the future.
- Pros:
- Good structured UI for programming
- Powerful embedded IDE with Code hinting
- Embedded Jupyter Notebook for potential single function testing & learning
- Comprehensive Usecase-driven Documentation covering nearly all niche areas one may encounter
- Well incorporated Data Source from different vendors
- Detailed tutorial videos & large community
- Csharp as base language ensures efficiency & quick response.
- Cons:
- No API Documentation, which makes the learning curve mostly depend on trying out different scenarios
- Csharp originated framework creates difference in function description & parametizaion
- Single-class based framework is very cumbersome from my point of view compared to previous framework i knew that was “function-based” Juejin Quant API
- Bad Experience happened with weird Self.X parameter or Self.Y function which are not fully documented, functionality overlap with other variants and behavior behind it & return values remain complete unknown, unless we dig out in source code ourself.
- Useful sites
Nonetheless, techincal difficulty can be solved with help of community I suppose and the more we learn, the more we can achieve better alpha. In following paragraphes, i would like to take down the key notes i summarized during last week.
Most used architecture
Although quantconnect encourages us to use a framework like this:
class VerticalTachyonRegulators(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.SetStartDate(2020, 1, 1)
self.SetEndDate(2021, 1, 1)
# Universe selection
self.month = 0
self.num_coarse = 500
self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily
self.AddUniverse(self.CoarseSelectionFunction, self.FineSelectionFunction)
# Alpha Model
# Portfolio construction model
# Risk model
# Execution model
That is indeed fine-grained version of the one i show below, at least from first glance, which include the universe selection, alpha model, portfolio model (how to use our cash), risk model(stop win & loss or unexpected crash), execution model(handle troubles like if orders are not filled).
I was trying to consolidate functions sequential structured & tidy when i wrote my own backtesting framework. The hardcore is however that many parameters/decision makings are tangled with each other (e.x. i want to exit the market if i achieved 5% winrate on certain equity), i dont know how QuantConnect solved this problem, but i believe that is at least part of the reason why community rarely use the framework above, but use the straightforward one below.
Update 26.07.2022:
- HOWTO construct Alphamodel:
- HOWTO construct Portfolio model:
- HOWTO construct Risk Model:
- HOWTO construct Execution Model:
More popular class looks like this
class MyStrategy(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
# define start date
self.SetStartDate(2015, 1, 1)
# define end date
self.SetEndDate(2021, 1, 1)
# define initial cash
# define some target symbols
# either define a single equity + data handling node (optional)
self.QQQ = self.addEquity("QQQ",Resolution.Daily)
# or define a single forex + data handling node (optional)
self.pair = self.AddForex("EURUSD", Resolution.Daily, Market.Oanda).Symbol
# or define a Universe Selection Node to screen equities --- this has a variant of SetUniverseSelection from this tutorial (
not elegant at all...
# Filter function to be implemented
self.AddUniverse(self.CoarseFilter, self.FineFilter)
self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Hour
# usually OnSecuritiesChanged() event handler needs to be implemented afterwards
# or define a Option Chain derived from an equity + strikes & expiry date limitation
option = self.AddOption("MSFT", Resolution.Minute)
# filter option to be +- 3strikes from base stock price, expiry date 20-40 days from now
option.SetFilter(-3, 3, timedelta(20), timedelta(40))
# define some indicators
# either use a predefined one like, for other indicators check docs of QCAlgorithm
self.sma = self.SMA(self.spy, length, Resolution.Daily)
# or we can implement one ourself + register it to data source
self.sma = CustomSimpleMovingAverage("CustomSMA", 30)
self.RegisterIndicator(self.spy, self.sma, Resolution.Daily)
# or no indicator class is needed if we dont use OnData function to get
# data. Instead this post (
# 9597/the-in-amp-out-strategy-continued-from-quantopian/p9) shows that you # can just write a schedule with a handler function. Inside this handler,
# we inquiry the self.History which returns a pandas dataframe, then we can # do our familiar pandas tricks & build an indicator column.
# we may want to warm up for indicators using historical data
self.SetWarmUp(timedelta(7)) # Warm up 7 days of data.
# define some schedulers
# scheduler for liquidating everything around EOB daily
# self.ExitPositions to be implemented
self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose(self.symbol, 15),
# Registers a handler on the consolidated/aggregated data stream *Daily QQQ*
self.Consolidate(self.QQQ, Resolution.Daily, self.QQQHandler)
# set Benchmark to compare
# set Brokerage model (.Margin to allow leverage)
self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage, AccountType.Margin)
# some useful tricks for user defined variables
# if we want to keep a track on our portfolio
self.portfolioTargets = []
# if we want to have unique selected equities
self.activeStocks = set()
# if we want to track entry price
self.entryPrice = 0
# if we want to pause the trading for a regular period
self.period = timedelta(30)
# if we want to control entry Time
self.EntryTime = self.Time
Afterwards, we have our core function from tutorial : OnData, which contains our main trading ideas & orders. OnData is triggered according to our proposed data feed resolution. Nevertheless, this function is rarely used by community, which instead they use Scheduler/Consolidator to have custom function scheduled.
def OnData(self, data):
# wait for things prepared
# wait for indicators warmed up
if not self.sma.IsReady:
# wait for entry time
# purpose: custom waiting time beyond provided resolution. For example i want this algo run every 10 days
# then i set Resolution to be daily and self.waitPeriod = delta(10)
# similarly, i can let job run every 2 hours. Otherwise, just use normal resolution.
if self.Time < self.EntryTime:
self.EntryTime += self.waitPeriod
# We can run at a specific timestamp ---> alternatively self.Schedule.On this time
if not (self.Time.hour == 9 and self.Time.minute == 31):
# wait for equities selected
if self.portfolioTargets == []:
# wait for equities in data ---> how can equity not in data???
if self.QQQ not in data:
# our brilliant strategies
# ...
# we get our decision to buy or sell
# Place Order
# long = positive quantity, short = negative quantity
# Variation 1
self.Buy(, quantity)
# Variation 2
self.MarketOrder(self.spy, int(self.Portfolio.Cash / price) )
# Variation 3
self.SetHoldings(self.spy, 1)
# Variation 4, Limit Buy Order
self.LimitOrder(self.qqq, quantity, price, "Entry Order")
# Variation 5
self.portfolioTargets = [PortfolioTarget(symbol, 1/len(self.activeStocks))
for symbol in self.activeStocks]
# Update Limit Order
self.entryTicket = self.LimitOrder(self.qqq, quantity, price, "Entry Order")
updateFields = UpdateOrderFields()
# set current price as new price
updateFields.LimitPrice = price
# use update() to update limit order
# Sell Order
# Variation 1
self.Sell(, quantity)
# Variation 2
# Variation 3: Limit Sell Order
self.entryTicket = self.LimitOrder(self.qqq, quantity, price, "Entry Order")
self.stopMarketTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(self.qqq, -self.entryTicket.Quantity, 0.95 * self.entryTicket.AverageFillPrice)